Other Factors about Pepper Mills
Time:2018-10-15 12:00:00
- Grind Quality- Depending what you are going to use the pepper for, you want a mill that gives you the largest range in grinds including coarse, medium, and fine. A better made mill will give you a fine grind that is powdery and uniformly the same with no little pieces of the peppercorn. At the same time, you can set it for coarse and end up with big pieces for yourau poivre (peppercorn) recipes.
- Size- Somehow I ended up with one of those big 14 inch mills that you see in fancy restaurants that the waiter brings over to season your salad. It looks great in a restaurant but its too heavy, awkward to use, and can only sit on my kitchen counter or in the broom closet. It's just too big. I also have a little tiny 2 ? inch one that I can use when traveling but I always forget to bring it with me.
- Price- A good pepper mill isn't cheap. They start at $20 and can go up to $45 and if you want a work of art, you are looking at $100 to $200. The good news is there are great mills out there for $20 bucks but there are as many poorly made models at $40. So don't think if you spend a lot of money you are going to get a great mill. Do your homework and read reviews on the Internet and incooking magazines.